Greywater is essentially water that has been used and can be reused. Every state has different regulations on what is and isn't greywater. In California, greywater is water that comes from your laundry machine, shower, and bathroom sink. Toilet water and water used to wash clothes with human waste in it is considered black water and has to go to the sewer if it's untreated. Kitchen graywater is generally not allowed in California. There are some cities that will make certain exceptions.
You can reuse your greywater for watering your plants in your garden! Ever think about how much tap water you are using for irrigation? By diverting some of the water you use INSIDE the home, you are able to water your plants outside. We at Dig Cooperative have been building greywater systems for over 10 years. They range from very simple systems that anyone can do to more complicated technical systems. Some systems require a city permit, but not all of them. The easiest system is a Laundry-To-Landscape system and as long as you aren't cutting into the plumbing, it doesn't require a permit and is very easy to do.
Keywords: Greywater, graywater, laundy to landscape, rainwater, recycling water, water reuse, water conservation